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平時大家都會好強調臉部嘅保濕,但足部護理,保濕都好重要!!! 偏偏我地經常會忽略足部護理嘅重要性,所以呢個夏天不如買一支啱自己嘅保濕Cream用啦!


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Cochine frangipani & neroli hand body wash is a amazing body wash product! You must know it!


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Do you know a good scented candle can add style and luxury to any home? Cochine vanille & tabac noir scented candle is my favourite scented candle.


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Regular nail care results in healthy nails that you can be proud to take to work or out on the town. But how to keep your healthy nails be strong? Below are the tips~

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A good hand moisturizer means including high quality ingredients and also the package design~


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One of my favourite hand creams is Cochine's hand cream rose & delentii.


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One of my favourite hand creams is Cochine's hand cream rose & delentii.


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Are you choosing a gift for her? Buy a hand cream gift to your girlfriend is a good ideas because every girls love hand cream and it is their necessary daily skin care product!


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Cchine is a luxury scented candle brand created as eau de parfum using the finest essential oils from plants unique to Vietnam, such as Champa Jasmine, Delentii orchid, Agarwood and Water Hyacinth, each fragrance tells its own story.


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Our dry hand needs a good therapy not only in winter, but also in summer!! A high quality skin care product like hand cream extra moisturising is necessary for our daily life.


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I have sensitive skin and therefore I need to choose the skin care products more carefully!! Yesterday I found a best natural hand cream in the Internet!


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Cochine is a luxury scented candle brand which inspired by the timeless elegance of Saigon and captures the essence of romantic escapism through its range of luxurious candles, diffusers and fragrances.


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What is the best hand care cream in 2018? Cochine hand cream is the best hand care cream!

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One fragrance can reflect your stylish and temperament~ So high quality fragrances are important!! Used the most natural ingredients with slightly unique and luxury scented frgrance, the cochine's fragrances are my favoruite fragrances!


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One of the best ways to fast-track the benefits of essential oils is to get one of the best essential oil diffusers.

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而家八達通付款系統真係好普遍, 已經唔係淨係搭車買野先用到, 連印刷都用得上八達通付款系統。

大學個陣用影印機都有八達通付款系統, 又快又方便,只要八達通夠錢就無問題。

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呢個係個影印機同deadline fighter極度驚險嘅故事,
即刻上Fuji Xerox睇下d影印機。

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就係Fuji SmartPay!

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知唔知Fuji Hong Kong係咩?


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