

rubyf 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

眼部是很容易被看出歲月痕跡的部分,因此眼霜尤其重要!!我將為你推介一款能讓眼部變年輕的眼霜:Clarins煥顏緊緻全能眼霜 ,讓你眼部重煥年輕光采!


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1, 控制體重

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1, 注意飲食

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Hong Kong’s summer season is probably the most dreaded climate cycle of the year. High humidity coupled with high temperature create shirts that become sponge for sweat glands.

In addition to the season of thunderstorms and typhoons, hot and sweaty weather in Hong Kong offer sorts of inconvenience people of all walks of life. But this piece of inconvenience — which could bring sweaty face, oily face and other unmentionables — could prove more embarrassing to young women who may be more conscious about skincare. The usual measures could make things worse. For example, as we wipe the sweat off our faces, we are actually wiping away the layer that protect our sin. Also, Hong Kong’s extensive use of airconditioning often can make skin dull and dry over the summer season.

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Many women will face the problem of stretch masks during pregnancy.

Stretch marks is no way to avoid, but there are some produts to control and reduce them. And I am going to recommend a product to prevent stretch marks.

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Hong Kong may have plenty of shops selling just about anything from anywhere in the world. But it helps to know where do locals usually go to when looking for specific commodities.

Now, let’s look at men’s personal care: shaving cream.

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The natural plant-based face oil has become a skin care trend lately. Since there are too many choices of brand and type of oil in the market, you may feel confuse on choosing a suitable one. Therefore, here I would like to share my review of Clarins Blue Orchid Face Treatment Oil and hope that it could be your reference on picking face oil.


rubyf 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Face oil becomes a popular skin care option recently as its plant-based, natural and highly moisturise advantages. Want to catch up this beauty trend in 2016, but hesitating on choosing the best face oil for your skin type? Here you go!


rubyf 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hong Kong may have brief, mild winters but it does not mean our physical make up does not react to it. Lips get chapped, hot showers can result to dry hair or itchy hands. And generally dry weather conditions leave our skin parched and lack moisture.

So as the season changes from warm to chilly in Hong Kong, we also need to bring out necessary kit to take care of our skin.

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